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Wuxi Toprich Forging Manufacture Co.,Ltd

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Wuxi Toprich Forging Manufacture Co.,Ltd Focus on die forging manufacturing


  • Industrial robot die forgings
Industrial robot die forgings



What is the relationship between the performance of industrial robot die forgings and:

Through isothermal compression experiment, the influence of different process parameters on the compression flow stress of semi-solid alloy die forgings was studied, and it was found that the flow tension has a great relationship with the tensile rate at. The deformation mechanism of semi-solid alloy and semi-solid alloy was discussed. The deformation was carried out in the following ways. The viscous flow of liquid around solid particles, under different deformation temperatures and different deformation speeds, its deformation mode occupied different proportions, So it shows different results.

Now, finite element plastic software is used to simulate the thixotropic forming of semi-solid alloy die forgings, and the flow rate and other fields of effect in the deformation process are obtained. Therefore, the effect force field, solidification velocity field and relative density are changed. The semi-solid thixotropic forming experiment is carried out in the matrix, and the influence of semi-solid alloy on the forming performance under different process parameters is studied, The actual density and mechanical properties of the microstructure of the formed part are studied. The influence of forming force on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the semi-solid forming part is studied. Therefore, the numerical simulation results are consistent with the experimental results.


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